




Daily thought

The Sukkah Embrace

On Yom Kippur, the souls return to connect to their origin, carrying with them the divine sparks from all they've done in this world. Their return rises like an aroma of burning incense through the atmosphere, and through endless strata of spiritual realms, until it reaches a place beyond higher and lower. It reaches the essence of G-d. And there it becomes the essence of pure and ultimate bliss. On Sukkot, that divine, supernal delight reappears in our world, much as a cloud condenses from the vapor rising from the sea. And it manifests as the...

"What has changed..." in the world of "Kosher Travelers"?

In recent years, airline companies have significantly and noticeably changed the rules of the game in the flight services market. Now, we all wonder: "What has changed..." so significantly in the world of travel for "Kosher Travelers" in recent years?

And how will the new rules of international airlines affect kosher keepers?

In the past, many of my acquaintances who kept kosher, besides checking options for kosher food at the places they wanted to visit, always carried at least some kosher food along, at least a "snack"... or even a few cans of tuna just in case, or snacks for the trip. ... There were even those who brought electric burners and a guide to kosher food products abroad, even when they traveled to Brooklyn.

But now, all that is in the past. Over the past 4 years, airlines have increased the price for every kilogram of cargo, expanded the number of flights with limitations on dimensions and hand luggage weight... Now, it's impossible to even think about how much food to take on a flight... It's expensive! Not worth it!

Additionally, airlines have further reduced the quantity and types of food they offer during flights.

And during security checks, you're not allowed to bring liquids onto the plane...

Now the question is, what to do in this new reality? What to eat? What to drink? Being a "Kosher Traveler" requires a non-trivial solution.

In other words, we need "the Jewish brain". We, at Chabadmap, believe in the approach that "knowledge is power"! As King Solomon said: "Wisdom gives strength to the wise man more than ten rulers who are in a city." (Proverbs, Chapter 24, Verse 5).

We will help you find kosher places abroad.

We will recommend to you what kosher things to buy for the flight in "Duty Free". Chabadmap will be your guide in the world of tourism services and will provide you with "kosher places".

"Kosher Travel" is as important to us as it is to you.

We want to help you choose a kosher restaurant somewhere in America, France, or a kosher hotel in Italy or Thailand, and if not, then a Chabad House (for a list of Chabad houses worldwide, click here) or hosts in the local community.

Preparations Required:

Before staying at a hotel, it is necessary to check with the place regarding supplies. Additionally, a simple check of the utensils in the room can enhance the stay and dining experience. In cases of uncertainty with the hotel, it's advisable to independently verify kosher signs.

Preserving Food in the Room:

When leaving food in the room, it's advisable to wrap the meat in a sealed package. Also, while staying in hotels during the Sabbath, it's recommended to inquire in advance about local arrangements.

Meals in Hotels:

In the case of having a meal at a hotel, ensure that the consumption of bread and eggs follows local guidelines. Breads and crackers might be an option for consumption, and it's necessary to check the local kosher list.


Want to add cheeses to the meal? Check kosher signs and ensure they don't contain forbidden substances. Cheeses like Philadelphia might be an option for consumption in specific countries.

Juices and Shakes:

When purchasing juices abroad, ensure they don’t contain forbidden additives. Shakes might contain forbidden additives, so check kosher signs and ensure they don't contain forbidden substances.

Sweets Purchase:

When choosing sweets abroad, verify the kosher signs on the packaging. Well-known companies like Toblerone, Milka, Ritter, and Loacker offer a wide range of kosher sweets for consumption without a kosher certificate. Avoid sweets containing gelatin or other substances not marked as kosher.

Bars and Pubs:

While visiting pubs and bars, ensure the alcoholic beverages are suitable types. Tasteless beers are considered an acceptable choice. Avoid beers containing forbidden substances and check kosher signs if necessary. Stout beer might be dairy.

Links to Lists Regarding Clarification and Expansion of Information on Kosher Certification