
About us

Welcome to ChabadMap - your trusted compass in the world of kosher living. Our website is designed to assist Jews from around the globe in finding kosher establishments wherever they may be.

Our teams are constantly searching, verifying, and adding new venues, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information provided. From wedding halls to kosher stores - we aim to make your life simpler and richer.

Why Choose Our Service?


Extensive Database

Our platform offers a vast selection of kosher establishments and services worldwide.

Relevance of information

We update the data regularly to ensure it is fresh and reliable.

User-friendly Experience

Our site's intuitive interface allows for easy searching of desired venues and services.

Reviews and Recommendations

Honest user feedback assists in making informed choices.

A Community of Like-minded Individuals

Join our growing community that shares your passion for kosher living.

Security and Privacy

We value your privacy and ensure the safety of your personal information.

Chabadmap Today Infographic




iconFacilities across various categories

568 255

iconVisits per year


Real users who have registered on Chabadmap and utilized the service

Testimonials from Our Users

David R

David R. USA 05.02.2024

A Game Changer for Kosher Travelers!

I've always found it challenging to locate kosher restaurants while traveling, but this site has made it so much easier! The extensive list of options and detailed information about each venue has been invaluable. It's now my go-to resource whenever I'm planning a trip.

Sarah C

Sarah C. United Kingdom 05.02.2024

Incredibly User-Friendly and Informative

I'm impressed by how easy it is to navigate this website and find exactly what I'm looking for. The reviews and ratings for each kosher establishment really help in making informed decisions. A fantastic tool for anyone adhering to a kosher diet.

Michael L

Michael L. Israel 05.02.2024

Comprehensive and Reliable – A Must-Have for Kosher Foodies!

This website is a treasure trove of information on kosher dining. Whether I'm looking for a new place in my city or somewhere during my travels, I know I can rely on this site for up-to-date and trustworthy recommendations.

Rachel G

Rachel G. Australia 05.02.2024

Excellent Resource for Finding Kosher Venues Worldwide

I recently used this website for my trip abroad and was amazed at how many kosher dining options I could find, even in the most unexpected places. The detailed descriptions and user reviews were especially helpful. This site is now bookmarked as my go-to kosher guide.

Aaron K

Aaron K. Canada 05.02.2024

Transforming the Kosher Dining Experience

This site has revolutionized the way I explore kosher restaurants. The variety of choices, from local eateries to upscale dining, and the user-friendly interface make it an unparalleled resource. It's not just a website; it's a community for those who love kosher food.

Rebecca G

Rebecca G. USA 05.02.2024

A Lifesaver for Kosher Eaters!

This site is a lifesaver for anyone trying to keep kosher while traveling. The variety of options and the ease of finding what I need is outstanding. I highly recommend it!

Daniel S

Daniel S. United Kingdom 05.02.2024

Fantastic Resource for Kosher Dining

I've used this website multiple times to find kosher restaurants while traveling. The accuracy of the information and the user-friendly interface make it a top-notch resource.

How ChabadMap Benefits Organizations

ChabadMap is not just a platform for users, but an ideal space for organizations. By joining us, your establishment or service will have the opportunity to attract more customers, expand its audience, and increase its recognition among the target demographic. We offer effective promotional tools and feedback mechanisms, allowing you to enhance the quality of services and adapt to market needs.


Время зажигания свечей
Брентвуд, Калифорния 94513


18:35 - Пятница, 29 сентября.


7:30 - Шаббат, 30 сентября.


19:29 - воскресенье, 1 октября


Везот Хабраха



29 сентября – 6 октября
Daily thought

The Sukkah Embrace

On Yom Kippur, the souls return to connect to their origin, carrying with them the divine sparks from all they've done in this world. Their return rises like an aroma of burning incense through the atmosphere, and through endless strata of spiritual realms, until it reaches a place beyond higher and lower. It reaches the essence of G-d. And there it becomes the essence of pure and ultimate bliss. On Sukkot, that divine, supernal delight reappears in our world, much as a cloud condenses from the vapor rising from the sea. And it manifests as the...
Introducing you to new levels of spirituality and society