

Daily thought

The Sukkah Embrace

On Yom Kippur, the souls return to connect to their origin, carrying with them the divine sparks from all they've done in this world. Their return rises like an aroma of burning incense through the atmosphere, and through endless strata of spiritual realms, until it reaches a place beyond higher and lower. It reaches the essence of G-d. And there it becomes the essence of pure and ultimate bliss. On Sukkot, that divine, supernal delight reappears in our world, much as a cloud condenses from the vapor rising from the sea. And it manifests as the...

Kosher Restaurants in Tbilisi

Discovering Kosher Dining in Tbilisi

Tbilisi, with its vibrant culinary scene, may offer a few options for those seeking kosher dining experiences. While the number of dedicated kosher restaurants might be limited, the city's diverse gastronomic landscape often includes establishments providing kosher-friendly dishes or menus upon request.

Some restaurants in Tbilisi might offer traditional Jewish dishes prepared in accordance with kosher dietary laws. Visitors may find Ashkenazi classics or Sephardic-inspired flavors, showcasing a blend of heritage and contemporary culinary practices.

Exploring Tbilisi's culinary diversity presents an opportunity to savor authentic Jewish flavors amidst the city's historical and cultural backdrop. To find detailed or specific information about kosher dining options in Tbilisi, it's recommended to check local directories, travel guides, or contact local Jewish communities or organizations for the most up-to-date recommendations.